List of Institutions whose Holdings Have Not Been Taken Over

Due to a shortage of storage space, part of the archival holdings has not been taken over and is located outside the Archives. The list of institutions is in alphabetical order.

1. “JUPLAS“ - Business association of plastic industry
2. “KAMERGRAN“ Business Association of Yugoslav industry
3. „Jugomarka“– Social Company for Manufacturing and Trade of Stamps and Information Publishing Activity
4. „Keramikaunion“– Business Association of Industry of Ceramics of Yugoslavia
5. Accreditation body of Serbia and Montenegro
6. Agricultural Cooperative of Yugoslavia
7. Association of Aircraft Pilot of Yugoslavia
8. Association of Hairdressing Clubs of Yugoslavia
9. Association of Yugoslav Philatelists
10. Cycling Federation of Yugoslavia
11. Directorate of Property of FRY
12. Equestrian Federation of Yugoslavia
13. Federal Directorate for Reserves
14. Federal Fund for Crediting Faster Development of the Economically Underdeveloped Republics and the Autonomous Provinces
15. Federal Institution for Standardization
16. Federal Public Institution „Borba“
17. Fund for financing increased employment in the economically underdeveloped and distinctly migrant regions
18. Hunters Association of Yugoslavia
19. Institute for Market Researches
20. Institute for Meat Hygiene and Technology
22. Karate Association of Yugoslavia
23. Kennel Club of Yugoslavia
24. Ministry for International Economic Relations
25. Ministry of Interior and Economic Affairs
26. National Bank of Yugoslavia
27. Official Gazette of Yugoslavia
28. Poštanska štedionica
29. Public Institution "Geomagnetic Institute"
30. Public Institution „Filmske novosti“
31. PZL – Business Association of Rolling Bearings
32. Rowing Federation of Yugoslavia
33. Rugby Union of Yugoslavia
34. Scout Association of Yugoslavia
35. Serbia and Montenegro European Integration Office
36. Shooting Association of Yugoslavia
37. Social Accounting and Auditing Service of Yugoslavia
38. Social Company „Juginus“– Yugoslav Institute for Urbanism and Housing
39. The Association of Aircraft Mechanics of Yugoslavia
40. The Institute for Manufacturing Banknotes and Coins
41. Union of Insurance Companies of Yugoslavia
42. Union of Retirees of Jugoslavia
43. Union of War Volunteers 1912 -1918. and their Descendants and Admirers
44. Union of Yugoslav Composers
45. Wrestling Federation of Yugoslavia
46. Yugoslav Association “Sport for All”
47. Yugoslav Association of Inventors and Authors of Technical Improvements
48. Yugoslav Association of Mineral Water
49. Yugoslav Federation of Journalists
50. Yugoslav Federation of Kick-Box
51. Yugoslav Ship Register
52. Yugoslav Society for Pre-stressing
53. Yugoslav Society of Brewers of Yugoslavia
54. Yugoslav Union of Engineers and Technicians of Forestry and Industry for Wood Processing
55. Yugoslav Union of Flight Crew and Cabin Crew Personnel
56. Yugoslavia Bar Association
57. YUTA -Business association of travel agencies
58. Савезно министарство спољних послова
59. Савезно министарство унутрашњих послова

Date of last change: 12.03.2022.

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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