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Before you ask us a question, take a look at the frequently asked questions so far.

Frequently asked questions

    Before you address the Archives of Yugoslavia you should request the information about the forfeited property from the state body that adopted the relevant act, i.e. from the competent archives that took over the documents. In the post-war period, the relevant decisions were adopted by circuit courts from the territory in which the real estate was situated and their documents were taken over by national archives upon the end of operational needs. The Archives fonds contain some documents that directly refer to former owners. One needs to fill out the following form in which you should precisely state the basis for the forfeiture of property (expropriation, nationalization, confiscation, agrarian reform, colonization).

    If the subject matter of your interest is the land granted to volunteers, fill out the following form trying to be as precise as possible when you list the requested data. The data on the name and family name of the World War I volunteer who fought on the Thessaloniki Front and was granted land in the town/village where he lived or was born and the information on where the granted land was situated are key for getting the exact information.

    If the volunteer received bonds instead of land, you should stress this in the form.

    The Archives of Yugoslavia keep documents on the ownership of forests and meadows in the territory of Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. In order to check whether the Archives has information about the property of your interest please fill out the following form quoting as precisely as possible the name of the forest or meadow. You can expect our response within 15 days.

    Decisions on declaring citizens national enemies were most frequently adopted by military and circuit courts and the relevant documents may be found not just at the Archives of Yugoslavia, but also at the Military Archives, Serbian Archives and circuit archives.

    In order for us to be able to properly research the holdings kept at the Archives of Yugoslavia you should file an official request in which you should quote the name of the federal body and/or organization which issued the decision as well as the number and date of the decision.

    The Archives of Yugoslavia issues stamped copies of World War II victim cards (for those who were killed, who died or for missing persons). You need to fill out the following form being particularly careful when you state the victim’s name, family name and place of birth.

    At the Archives of Yugoslavia you can find documents containing information about the persons taken to prison/concentration camps or for forced labor in the country and abroad during World War II. In order to receive the requested Xeroxed copy you need to give us information about the name and family name of the person whose record you want to get, state where the person was held and their place of permanent residence in 1952 and 1964. Fill out the following form.

    If this is an apartment received from a former federal body or organization we can issue the requested Xeroxed copies if you fill out the appropriate form and attach all documents you have. You can print out the form  fill it out and send it by regular mail or bring it personally to the Archives of Yugoslavia together with the Xeroxed copies of the documents you have.

    Before you turn to the Archives of Yugoslavia to request this type of document we would like to recommend that you visit the Republic Fond for Pension and Disability Insurance in 30 Nemanjina Street in Belgrade, where you can get precise information about the period for which you need the M4 forms. If you miss information about the period when you were employed at a federal body or organization, you will need to send the filled out form together with the Xeroxed copy of your employment card by regular mail or bring it personally.

    If you passed the licensing exam as an employee of a former federal body or organization we can issue you a Xeroxed copy. You need to give us the following information: name and family name, name of the body, organization you were employed in when you passed the exam and year when you took the exam.

    You should come to the Archives reading room personally. The reading room is open to visitors on all working days between 9:00 and 18:00, and you will be able to see, according to the prescribed procedure, an inventory of the collection of photographs, AJ-377, through which you will select and order copies of photographs you are interested in.

    Genealogical information in the fonds of the Archives of Yugoslavia may be found for some persons in the personal files of officials who worked at some of the central state bodies after 1918.

    Construction documents, which are frequently very lengthy, can be found within several fonds that are kept at the Archives of Yugoslavia. Therefore we invite you to visit the Archives reading room. Please note that the Archives of Yugoslavia keeps the development plans for roads, bridges, water supply system, administrative buildings (Old Court, National Parliament, etc.), but not documents that refer to private buildings and houses over which the Archives has no competence.

    When you file your request, you need to quote the date of the session and brief contents of the conclusion, decree, decision, ruling, rule, text, etc., as well as the purpose for which the requested documents are needed.

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Date of last change: 19.01.2021.

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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