How to prepare


Before you come to the Archives of Yugoslavia we advise you:

  • To inform yourself whether the Archives preserve archival documentation that you are looking for.

  • Look at the list of fonds and collections at the website.

  • Go through the database Inventar. By entering key words, you will obtain information about all fonds and collections having that key word. Database for the time being have 146 inventories of fonds and collections.

  • In a case you want to research geological maps you have to contact the Archives beforehand explaining what is the purpose of your research. The Archives is obliged to forward all requests dealing with using of geological documentation to the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia according to the provisions of the Article 5, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Law on Fees for Use of  Public Goods (official gazette RS, no 195/18)Upon reply of the Ministry, we will inform you when you can start your research in the reading room of the Archives.

  • Archival material created more than 30 years ago could be used only for the need of creator or the need of the State.

In a case that Archives preserves archival material that you need, you may come to our reading room and do your research. Working hours of the reading room: every working day (Monday – Friday) from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m..

When you come to the Archive, bring your passport or you ID card with you.

Here You Are! – Get Familiar with the Usual Procedure

You check in at the guard house, you leave your ID card or passport and you receive your pass and a key with a number of lockers to discard your clothes and other things.

You will see small exhibition of the Archives of Yugoslavia in the hall and permanent exhibition on “Historical Maps of Yugoslavia” Turning to the left and following directions you will pass by library (room 23) and after a few steps continuing straight down the hallway, you will see a locker for your clothes and entrance to the reading room (room 28). Working hours of the reading room are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

You may bring into the reading room only things necessary for work (blank paper, slate pencil, laptop).

Before you start you investigation, you fill in application “Application to use archival material” You fill in data dealing with your theme (name of theme, purpose, number and names of fonds and collections that you want to investigate) and personal data.

You may use in the reading room all finding aids as well as library material. We drive your attention to the application EVIDENT that shows the data regarding researchers, researched themes and used fonds/collection of the Archives, (available for the period: 1952-2008) that could be of a great help to you in a case you deal with the theme similar to one already processed.


Archival documentation that you want to look at, you have to order, writing down the call numbers of the depicted material for research in the application called Requisition ( number of fond, number of  folder, and number of archival  unit or call no. of the book of evidence. Ordering of documentation for the next working day is till 1:00 p.m. With one requisition you can have 4 folders, 4 evidence books, 10 units of description, 2 rolls of microfilm. Digitized archival material cannot be ordered, but you can see at the computers the same day.

Taking photos is allowed with the fees defined in the rule book.

Photocopying in the Archives is possible as well as scanning and burning of digital copies of archival material according to the filled in request.

For additional information, you may contact us

Date of last change: 26. 09. 2023

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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