
Arhiv Jugoslavije

Bilten /the first review of the Archives of Yugoslavia, was launched in June 1980. Its last (9th) issue was published in October 1986. Dr Sida Marjanović, Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia, was the editor-in-chief of the review. Bilten was printed at the printing office of the Archives.

The review made up for its modest technical presentation by topical and important contributions from the field of profession, which can even today assist in the resolution of numerous professional dilemmas. "The cultural and research mission of an institution's staff is worth of attention only if its work is public", Archives Director Dr Sida Marjanović said in the editorial in the first issue, paving the way for the professional competition of the most responsible people in the Archives, whose contributions made up the review. Each issue, printed on about 90 pages, was full of professional contributions dealing with topical problems in work and proposals for their resolution.

A regular section was dedicated to the publication of annual plans and programmes and achieved results. The other contributions always dealt with topical problems, such as protection and evaluation of archive documents and introduction of modern information technologies. The review tried to inform the general public about the first organised attempts at publishing archive funds.

Topics covered in the Bilten:

  • establishment of a commission made up of the most distinguished professors and researchers from all Yugoslav university centres which was to determine the type of archive documents on Yugoslav history which will be published. By going through the Bilten we learn that for that purpose a preliminary project on this topic was formed and a round table was organised with the participation of a very large number of researchers, professionals and political figures. Such a serious initiative bore fruit and the following publications were issued: Tito–Churchill: Top Secret (prepared by Dušan Biber), Yugoslav governments in exile 1941–1943. (prepared by Bogdan Krizman), Yugoslav governments in exile (prepared by Branko Petranović), the book Organisation of the Federation in Socialist Yugoslavia by Ljubiša Korać and the memoires of Sava Kosanović entitled Yugoslavia was Sentenced to Death (prepared by Bogdan Krizman);
  • establishment of the department for information, use and automatic processing or archive documents, as another type of modernisation of work of the Archives and improvement of the professional level of work;
  • presentation of problems created through the adoption of a new law on the organisation and field of work of federal bodies of administration and federal organisations (Official Gazette of the SFRY No. 22/78) and existing decree on the operation in offices of federal bodies and federal organisations (Official Gazette of the SFRY No. 40/74);
  • presentation of the following exhibitions: Tito – thoughts, words and deeds, Constitutional development of Socialist Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia in 1941, Yugoslavia in 1942–1943, Zhou Enlai – Life and Work; Archives of Yugoslavia and the cultural treasure it keeps;
  • provision of information about the state of archive documents in parts of the Archives, on the protection of archive documents and registry material before its entry in the Archives, on operation in offices, on difficulties in the processing and organisation of documents from the Socialist period, etc.
  • The last issue of Bilten was printed in 1986 and dedicated to the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Archives.

Date of last change: 22. 02. 2022

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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