The exhibition "Musical Diplomacy of Yugoslavia (1945–1971)" was opened at the Institution of Culture "Parobrod"

2024-11-21 Category: Other

In Belgrade, at the "Parobrod" Intitution of Culture, an exhibition of documents titled "Musical Diplomacy of Yugoslavia (1945–1971)" was opened on November 19. This is a project of the Musicology Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), but it would not have been realized without the participation of the Archives of Yugoslavia – the materials from its collections and the personal dedication of certain archivists.

The exhibition presents, through documents about the performances of Yugoslav musical artists and ensembles abroad, how music served as a tool of foreign policy for socialist Yugoslavia during a period when cultural cooperation with foreign countries was under the jurisdiction of the federal administration.

The co-authors of the exhibition and catalog are Dr. Biljana Milanović from the Musicology Institute of SANU and Ivan Hofman, archival advisor from the Archives of Yugoslavia. The necessary technical support was provided by Vesna Arsenović, senior archival assistant of the first class from the Archives of Yugoslavia.

The exhibition will be open until December 5, 2024.

Date of last change: 21. 11. 2024

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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