Document of the month

Letter of Dr. Miroslav Spalajković to the Palace Administration

Fond: AJ-74 Royal court

Signature: AJ-74-489/578

Number of pages: 1


The presented document of the month is a personal letter from Dr. Miroslav Spalajković to the
Palace Administration. Miroslav Spalajković, the retired Royal Deputy in Paris, after his retirement in
1920, receives a certain monetary compensation every month in the name of the pension he earned
during his political and diplomatic career. In January 1940, Miroslav Spalajković was operated for
phlegmon disease in his right leg. After several years of personally receiving and signing receipts, and
due to health problems, surgery and hospital treatment, he is asking the Palace administration to
transfer the powers and authorities to his wife in order to raise the pension that follows him every

Prepared by: Tamara Filipovic, archivist

Date of last change: 02.04.24

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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