Venue and date of opening:Archives of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, November 26, 2018

Exhibition opened by: Ivica Dačić, the First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia

Organisation: Archives of Yugoslavia and Archives of Serbia

Authors of the exhibition: dr Aleksej Timofejev, dr Goran Miloradović, dr Aleksandar Životić

Information provided in: catalogue PDF poster

The exhibition outside the Archives

Dr. Milan Terzić, Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia, Dr. Miroslav Perisić, Director of the Archives of Serbia, H. E. Mr. Alexander Chepurin Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Serbia and Ivica Dačić the First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia gave their speeches at the opening ceremony.


Following opening ceremony, Mr. Ivica Dačić and Mr. Alexander Chepurin viewed exhibition guided by the author of the exhibition. About 350 documents and photographs from the fonds and the collections of the Archives of Serbia and the Archives of Yugoslavia from the history of the foreign policy of Russia are exhibited, presenting the most important moments from the history of the mutual relations of two countries. Separate part of the exhibition is dedicated to diplomatic representatives since 1838, when officially diplomatic relations were established between two countries, to this day. Some of published books on this topic are part of the exhibition.

The exhibition is accompanied with two language catalogue in Serbian and Russian.

The exhibition will be opened to December 16, 2018, every working day (Monday-Friday) from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p. m.

The exhibition outside the Archives

NEGOTIN, 6. јун 2019.

The exhibition of documents SERBIA –RUSSIA, YUGOSLAVIA – SOVIET UNION, on 180 years of diplomatic relations of two countries, prepared by the Archives of Serbia and the Archives of Yugoslavia was opened on June 6, 2019 in the Historic Archive of Negotin.

Director of the Historic Archive Nenad Vojinović, gave a speech at the opening ceremony as well as Dr. Milan Terzić director of the Archives of Yugoslavia and Denis Kruglov Attaché of the Department of Culture in the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Belgrade who, as well opened the exhibition.

This exhibition will be opened in Negotin by the end of June2019.

КРАЉЕВО, 9. мај 2019.

On the occasion of marking the 9th of May, Victory Day, under organization of Historic Archive of Kraljevo, the exhibition SERBIA –RUSSIA, YUGOSLAVIA – SOVIET UNION was opened in the in the City Hall . Mutual exhibition of the Archives of Serbia and the Archives of Yugoslavia whose authors are Dr. Aleksej Timofejev, Dr. Goran Miloradović and Dr. Aleksandar Životić is dedicated to the 180 of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Russia and it presents archival material and part of published books dealing with diplomatic relations, dating 1838.

On the opening ceremony, Director of the Historic Archives of Kraljevo Vesna Milojević stated that the most interesting part of the exhibition is one presenting Second World War, excellently providing genesis of transfer from one authority to another indicating obvious parallelism between state and law, that existed up to 1943, when communists, owing to the cooperation with the Soviet Union took over the power, first on the territory of Yugoslavia that would later on officially form Democratic Federative Yugoslavia. Igor Bojko, Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Serbia congratulated the Victory day to the present and stressed that march on the streets of Kraljevo within manifestation “Besmrtni puk” was for him special, unique experience and that marking this day is of special importance for young generations, since it is great occasion to pay tribute to our predecessors and to learn more about their heroic deeds. Vukman Rakočević, Deputy Mayor highlighted that this day teaches everybody, warns and reminds of all those who gave their lives, so that we can leave in liberty and added that the whole XX century marked the suffering of Serbian people and that by marking this day in this way, we pay tribute to all those killed in the past wars.

UŽICE, 25. април 2019

Posle Beograda, izložba dokumenata SRBIJA-RUSIJA, JUGOSLAVIJA-SSSR, koju su povodom obeležavanja 180 godina diplomatskih odnosa dve zemlje priredili Arhiv Srbije i Arhiv Jugoslavije, preselila se u Užice, gde je u Istorijskom arhivu Užica otvorena 25. aprila 2019. godine.


Prisutnima su se na njenom otvaranju obratili zamenik gradonačelnika Užica, direktor Arhiva Jugoslavije dr Milan Terzić, direktor Istorijskog arhiva Užica, Željko Marković i gospodin Denis Kruglov, ataše u Odeljenju kulture Ambasade Ruske Federacije u Beogradu, koji je ujedno i otvorio izložbu.


Postavka će u Istorijskom arhivu Užica biti izložena do kraja maja 2019. godine.

BEOGRAD (Kalemegdan - Savsko šetalište), 26. децембар 2018.

The exhibition SERBIA-RUSSIA, YUGOSLAVIA-USSR was opened at Kalemegdan on December 26, 2018. About 150 documents and photographs are presented that is a part of the depicted documents exhibited in the Archives of Yugoslavia (November 26 – December 20).

Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia,Dr. Milan Terzić, H.E. Mr. Alexander Chepurin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia and Mr. Vladan Vukosavljević, Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia gave their speeches at the opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, two of three authors: Dr. Aleksej Timofejev and Dr. Goran Miloradović guided through the exhibition.


The exhibition will be available for the visitors during the holidays by the middle of January 2019.

Date of last change: 28. 02. 2022

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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