2021 - "SERBIA - MEXICO, 75 Years of Diplomatic Relations"

Venue and date of opening:Archives of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, November 1, 2021

Exhibition opened by: Nemanja Starović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia

Organisation: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Embassy of the United Mexican States in Serbia and the Archives of Yugoslavia

Authors of the exhibition: Miloš Marković, Jelena Tomović-Bajić, Zorica Avramović Živković, Dejan Bivolarević, Ranka Rađenović, Dragan Teodosić

Information provided in: catalogue, announcement poster

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Mexico, exhibition of archival documents was prepared as a result of cooperation between Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Embassy of the United Mexican States and the Archives of Yugoslavia.

At the opening of the exhibition Dr. Milan Terzić, Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia delivered a speech, H.E. Félix Corona, Ambassador of the United Mexican States to  Belgrade and Nemanja Starović MA ,State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, who also opened the exhibition.

Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia in the name of the host addressed the public stating that the Archives of Yugoslavia continues marking important events from our history and that now we have an exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Mexico, marking 200 years of independence this year and we congratulate Mexico on that. "Historical facts are saying that diplomatic relation was established after the Second World War, 1946. In spite of the geographic distance, the archival documentation witnesses  historic continuity of diplomatic relations. Visits on the highest level of the President Tito to Mexico in 1963 and 1976 as well as visit of the Mexican President to Belgrade in 1963, 1974 and 1985 witness this also. Letters and messages of the highest officials, visits of parliamentary, economic, cultural, educational and other delegations as well as bilateral agreements speak expressively about intensity of this cooperation". Mr. Terzić ended up his speech by this words: "this exhibition is good occasion to remind us on continuity of those relations on created friendship that by the time become tradition. That is a good starting point to continue like this in a future".

Ambassador of the United Mexican States H. E. Carlos Félix Corona took pleasure in opening of the exhibition on the occasion of marking 75th anniversary of continual diplomatic relations created by the agreement between President of Mexico Manuel Avila Camacho and the Chief of the State of SFR Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito on May 24, 1946. Mr. Ambassador emphasized that this important decision was the beginning of development of firm, good relation and understanding based on mutual respectability and desire for cooperation between two nations sharing similar values and goals in unsettled international circumstances. “Since Mexico opened its Embassy in Belgrade, it has never closed its doors and has always been close to the Serbian people during the historical events that caused the breakup of Yugoslavia and consolidation of Serbia being country successor. In accordance with its foreign policy principles, international law and stable friendship with Serbian people, Mexico supported the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.” He pointed out that in the past 75 years of diplomatic relations, intensive political dialogue at the highest level and spreading up of multicultural and academic exchange, present solid foundation for spreading and enforcing mutual cooperation in other fields  in the future years, Mr. Carlos Felix in the name of the Embassy thanked the Archives of Yugoslavia  and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia for collecting documentation for the exhibition that witnesses and explains the history of diplomatic relations.

Wishing the guests a warm welcome to the archival exhibition, respectively travelling through the past 75 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Serbia and the United Mexican States, State Secretary Nemanja Starović emphasized that that was unique occasion to remember the history of our friendship and to bring closer together our two nations and cultures, mentioning the exhibition including the most significant documents from the fonds and collections witnessing about diplomatic, cultural, economic relations of two states, illustrating traditional friendship between two countries that hasn’t been ever interrupted. “Bilateral relations of the Republic of Serbia and United Mexican States are characterized today as traditional friendship and cooperation, based on mutual respect and support. Our two countries share strong devotion to the fundamentals of international law and mutual views to various international problems. Republic of Serbia remains devoted to friendship and strong cooperation with the United Mexican States. Marking of the jubilee is great incentive to continue to strengthen friendly connections between Serbia and Mexico in a years to come. We will continue to search all meeting points and themes that coul be subject of cooperation with your country. Serbia and Mexico were and will be frank partners, always ready to share responsibility of implementation of mutual creation of more equal and more prosperous world”. At the end of his speech Mr. Starović proclaimed the exhibition opened and invited quest to see it.

This exhibition will be open to the public from December 3, 2021. every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

Date of last change: 07. 09. 2022

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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