2006 - "Tito - Stalin"

Venue and date of opening:Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, Belgrade, October 24, 2006

Exhibition opened by: Miladin Milošević, Assistant Director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro

Organisation: Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, Museum of Yugoslav History, Ministry of Culture and Communications of the Russian Federation, Rosarhiv, State Archives of the Russian Federation

Authors of the exhibition: Miladin Milošević and Nada Petrović (Archives of Serbia and Montenegro), and many persons from the Rosarhiv and State Archives of the Russian Federation

Information provided in: catalogue in Serbian and Russian language PDF , poster

The exhibition outside the Archives

The Archives of Serbia and Montenegro and the State Archives of the Russian Federation organised the Tito – Stalin exhibition, where the public could see some documents from the archives for the first time. The exhibition was originally opened in Moscow on June 23, 2006, in the presence of ranking officials of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. In Moscow, the exhibits included the Tito – Stalin documents from the archives for the period between 1935 and 1956 and numerous exhibits from Serbian and Russian archives and museums. The visitors could see exhibits from the personal collection of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin from the State Historic Museum of the Russian Federation and personal objects of Josip Broz Tito from the Museum of Yugoslav History. Stalin's personal objects were exhibited only in Moscow. Nearly the same exhibition was presented to the Serbian public in Belgrade on October 24, 2006 at the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro.


The research of archive documents for the exhibition was conducted by a team of Russian and Serbian historians at the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, Museum of Yugoslav History (Archives of Josip Broz Tito), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, State Archives of the Russian Federation, State Historic Museum, Russian State Archives of Recent History, Russian State Archives of Social and Political History, Russian State Archives of Film and Photographic Documents and Archives of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.


The exhibition in Belgrade consisted of 224 archive documents and museum exhibits organised according to chronology and topics, with legends and excerpts from documents:


  • 1. Broz and Stalin until World War II; 
  • 2. Years of Struggle 1941–1945
  • 3. Allies in the Socialist Lager 1945–1948
  • 4. Conflicts of Interests 1948–1953
  • 5. Normalisation of Relations 1953–1956.


The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue (in the Russian language in Moscow and in the Serbian language in Belgrade). The organisers of the exhibition, Miladin Milošević, acting director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro and Vladimir P. Kozlov, head of the Federal Archives Agency, wrote a brief introduction for the catalogue, while L. J. Gibyansky and Prof. Dr Ljubodrag Dimić presented a scientific view on the relations between Tito and Stalin. The catalogue included the scanned images of the most interesting documents and list of all exhibited documents and museum exhibits.


The exhibition in Moscow was opened by Vladimir P. Kozlov, Director of the Federal Archives Agency, while in Belgrade Prof. Dr Sergei Mironenko, Director of the State Archives of the Russian Federation and Miladin Milošević, acting director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, spoke about the exhibition. There were about 350 guests on the opening day and throughout the exhibition (which remained open until December 1, 2006) and there were collective and individual visits. Among others, the exhibition was visited by Russian Ambassador in Belgrade Alexander Alexeyev, members of the Russian Duma, the Serbian Ambassador in Moscow, Deputy US Ambassador in Belgrade Roderick Moore and staff of the US Embassy in Belgrade, graduates of the Third Belgrade Grammar School and Milutin Milanković Grammar School, staff of the Vojvodina Archives and many others. In view of the huge public interest, in 2007 the exhibition will be presented in Užice, Zaječar, Zrenjanin and Kikinda and there is interest in the Republic of Srpska.


A round table on Tito - Stalin was held at the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro on December 25, 2006, with the participation of 17 prominent Russian and Serbian historians.


A collection of papers from the international round table was published in late 2007.

The exhibition outside the Archives

TRSTENIK, 15. октобар 2013

The exhibition of the Archives of Yugoslavia and the Federal Archival Agency from Moscow Tito – Stalin was opened in the Centre for Culture in Trstenik on 15 October 2013, on the occasion of celebrating the day of the town of Trstenik.

The exhibition was opened by Miladin Milošević, Acting Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia.

ČAČAK, 17. децембар 2009 - 15. јануар 2010.

Within the framework of long years of cooperation between the Archives of Yugoslavia and the Historical Archives of Čačak, the exhibition of archival documents Tito-Stalin of the Archives of Yugoslavia was opened on 17th December 2009. The Tito-Stalin exhibition is the third exhibition of the Archives of Yugoslavia organized by the two archives and presented to the citizens of Čačak. Lela Pavlović, Director of the Historical Archives of Čačak, and Miladin Milošević, Acting Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia, spoke about the exhibition before a large number of visitors and representatives of the local media.

VALJEVO, 8. фебруар – 7. март 2008.

The exhibition was opened at the gallery of the National Museum of Valjevo. Director Vladimir Krivošejev spoke about cooperation between the Valjevo National Museum and Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, while Miladin Milošević, acting director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, spoke about the idea and realisation of the exhibition.

The exhibition was opened by Prof. Dr Miroslav Jovanović of the Belgrade University's School of Philosophy.

ŠABAC, 29. новембар - 28. децембар 2007.

In the organisation of the Inter-Municipal Historic Archives of Šabac, the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro exhibition Tito – Stalin was opened at the gallery of the Šabac National Museum on November 29, 2007. Director Radomir Petrović spoke about cooperation between the Inter-Municipal Historic Archives of Šabac and Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, while acting director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro Miladin Milošević and Archives of Serbia and Montenegro Information Department head Nada Petrović spoke about the exhibition.

ZRENjANIN, 15. новембар - 19. децембар 2007.

The Archives of Serbia and Montenegro exhibition of archive documents Tito – Stalin was opened at the exhibition room of the Historic Archives of Zrenjanin on November 15, 2007. After the introductory speech of Archives Director Nada Boroš, the exhibition was opened by Miladin Milošević, acting director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro. The audience at the opening of the exhibition was welcomed by Culture Attaché at the Russian Embassy in Belgrade Oleg Buldakov, Director of the District Archives in Arad Criste Eugeniu, Deputy Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Milena Subić Popović and President of the Association of Serbs in Arad Semeon Žarkov. Citizens of Zrenjanin will have the opportunity until December 19, 2007 to see the exhibition of archive documents Tito – Stalin and exhibits from the Museum of Yugoslav History: the marshal's uniform of Josip Broz Tito and his personal belongings.

POŽAREVAC, 22. јун - 15. јул 2007.

The Historic Archives in Požarevac organised the arrival of the exhibition of archives documents Tito – Stalin. With the attendance of numerous guests from the town of Požarevac, the exhibition was opened at the gallery of the Požarevac Home of the Army. Director Jasmina Nikolić, acting director Miladin Milošević and Prof. Dr Miroslav Jovanović, who opened the exhibition for the visitors, spoke about the exhibition. The exhibition will close on July 15, 2007.

UŽICE, 24. април - 15. мај 2007.

The Tito – Stalin exhibition was opened on the occasion of Day of Historic Archives of Užice on April 24, 2007 at the National Museum and in the organisation of the Historic Archives of Užice in the presence of numerous figures from the public and cultural life of the Užice municipality. Director of the Historic Archives Miroslav Dučić and Miladin Milošević, acting director of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, opened the exhibition and spoke about it. Citizens of Užice could see for the first time numerous documents and photographs from the vast collection of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, Archives of Josip Broz Tito and State Archives of the Russian Federation.

BANjALUKA, 21. април - 13. мај 2007.

On the occasion of the Day of Archives of the Republic of Srpska and Day of the City of Banja Luka, the exhibition of archive documents Tito – Stalin, made by the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro and State Archives of the Russian Federation was opened at the Museum of the Republic of Srpska on April 21, 2007. After Moscow and Belgrade, Banja Luka was the third city where the exhibition was presented. Director of the Archives of the RS Ljiljana Radošević spoke about the cooperation between the Archives of the Republic of Srpska and Archives of Serbia and Montenegro, while Nada Petrović of the Archives of Serbia and Montenegro spoke about the idea for the exhibition, its realisation, research of documents and cooperation with the State Archives of the Russian Federation. The exhibition was opened by Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina Nebojša Radmanović who said on this occasion:."...Watching this exhibition, we are facing something that is very important for us who live in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, because we like to talk about history, to know what happened in our territory.

However, when we look upon these documents, it becomes clear how little we know… The truth is patiently collected and researched. It takes a lot of time and effort to get to it. That's why there are archives and documents that are indestructible and diligent archive workers who show them to us…" The opening was attended by Mayor of Banja Luka Dragoljub Davidović and numerous public and cultural figures.

Date of last change: 24. 02. 2022

2024. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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