Venue and date of opening:The central Hall of the National Assembly of Serbia, Beograd, July 19, 2018
Exhibition opened by: Ambassador of the Arabic Republic of Egypt to Serbia H.E. Mr. Amr Aljowaily
Organisation: Archives of Serbia, Archives of Yugoslavia, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the Embassy of the Arabic Republic of Egypt
Author of the exhibition: Dušan Guteša (Archives of Serbia) i Ranka Rađenović (Archives of Yugoslavia)
Information provided in: prospectus
Exhibition of documents SERBIAN/YUGOSLAVIAN – EGYPTIAN RELATIONS on the occasion of 110th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries was opened in the central Hall of the National Assembly of Serbia on July 19, 2018.
Ambassador of the Arabic Republic of Egypt to Serbia H.E. Mr. Amr Aljowaily opened the exhibition realized in cooperation with the Archives of Serbia, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the Embassy of the Arabic Republic of Egypt. Maja Gojković, President of the National Assembly, Vladan Vukosavljević Minister of Culture and Information and Ali Abdel Aal , Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Arabic Republic of Egypt were present at the opening ceremony.
Documents of the Archives of Serbia and the Archives of Yugoslavia presented at the exhibition testify about the period from 1906 when it was initiated to establish Serbian diplomatic representative office in Egypt, to August 1984, when Hosni Mubarak President of the Arabic Republic of Egypt visited Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. There are the Decrees of the King Peter I Karadjorjdević on appointing the first Serbian diplomatic agent in Egypt, and of the King Aleksandar I Karadjordjević on opening General consulate of the kingdom of SCS in Cairo, Decree of Josip Broz Tito on appointment of the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Federative Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia and SFRY in Egypt, documents about various mutual visits of the statesmen of the two countries and talks regarding important international matters. The exhibition has as well photographs of Serbian and Egyptian officials from the time of the Kingdom of Serbia, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Federative Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia and Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. The exhibition that could be visited in the National Assembly up to July 26, 2018 is accompanied by the flyers with the list of exhibited documents in both Serbian and English language