2019 - "BELGRADE - BRASILIA - 80 Years of Diplomatic Relations"

Venue and date of opening:Archives of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, November 15, 2019

Exhibition opened by: dr Milan Terzić, director of the Archives of Yugoslavia and H.E. Eduardo Botelho Barbosa, ambassador of Federal Republic of Brazil in the Republic of Serbia

Organisation: Archives of Yugoslavia and Embassy of the Federal Republic of Brazil in the Republic of Serbia

Author of the exhibition: Dragan Teodosić

Information provided in: catalogue PDF

Word of author

Exhibition Belgrade Brasilia, 80 Years of Diplomatic Relations presents survey of comprehensive diplomatic, political, economy, commercial, cultural, scientific and sport connections of two countries that during the period of their history belonged to different geopolitical and substantially  different civilization spheres, but which during that period had shown great mutual understanding and support in important international matters.

The exhibition has 182 exhibits divided in seven big parts. Some of the parts depending on their character were divided in smaller subparts. They deal with: Yugoslav Brazilian consular relations till 1941.; diplomatic relations of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Brazil until 1945; diplomatic relations of Brazil and DFY/FNRY/SFRY/FRY/FUSM and Republic of Serbia after 1945; messages that the highest state officials had exchanged, international treaties signed by two countries and finally cooperation in the field of commerce and economy, culture and education. 

The exhibition presents foundation and functioning of consular representative office of the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia in Brazil (General Consulate in Sao Paolo and Honorary Consulate in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro) as well as consular representative offices of Brazil in the Kingdom of Serbs Croat and Slovenes/Yugoslavia ( Honorary and Carrier Consulate and Honorary Vice Consulate in Skoplje); then material about: credential procedure of diplomatic envoys of Brasilia, respectively Sao Paolo at residential foundation with its seat in Athens and Buenos Aires; Mission of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil in Belgrade 1939 and appointment of Frane Cvjetiše respectfully Carlos Alves de Souza first envoys of their countries; documentary material and photographs that give evidence to restoration of diplomatic relations of Yugoslavia and Brazil 1945; nomination of their diplomatic representatives; lifting of diplomatic missions to the level of the embassies and moving of Yugoslav Embassy from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia 1972. Furthermore are depicted messages-letters of Josip Broz Tito President of FNRY/SFRY that he had exchanged with Brazilian Prime Ministers  Juselino Kubitscheck de Oliveira, Jeão Gular, Arthur da Costa e Silva and Ernesto Beckmann Geisel in the period from 1960 to 1977, as well as material about visits that Brazilian officials  and delegations exchanged with high officials from Yugoslavia in the period from 1951- 1983 and the Republic of Serbia in period from 2008 to 2019, singled out are visits of Vice President of the  Unite States of Brazil João Café Filho to Yugoslavia, August 1951; State Secretary of FNRY Koča Popović to Brazil, May 1962 and Josip Broz Tito, President of SFRY to Brazil, September 1963.

From numerous material presenting the treaties and the agreements signed between Brazil and one of the Kingdoms of FNR/SFRY Yugoslavia respectfully Republic of Serbia, Trade Agreement of May 16, 1932 – the oldest agreement signed between two countries and “Dantas Protocol “of April 26, 1961. Agreement o of technical cooperation and cultural convention of May 1962 as well as Agreements in the field of veterinary medicine and the field of defense signed on January 5, respectively November 29, 2010 between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Federal Republic of Brasilia are singled out.

Exhibition has numerous documentary and photograph material on commercial, economy, cultural –educational and sport cooperation that at the same time present realization of bilateral relations. The exhibits from this group  give evidence about: import of Brazilian coffee to the Kingdom of SCS/Yugoslavia in the course of the twenties  and beginning of the thirties; export of Yugoslav cement to Brazil in the thirties; export of river and sea vessels from Yugoslavia to Brazil in the sixties; participation of Yugoslav artists at Biennale in Sao Paolo in the beginning of the sixties; exhibition of work of arts of Brazilian Artists in the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade 1965, visit of Brazilian writer Jorge Amado, Belgrade 1967 and participation of the Theatre Brasiliero  de Dança “Viva Bahia” at the VIII Bitef 1974. Special curiosity of this part are photos of friendly match of Football selections of Yugoslavia and Brazul, held on June 1968 in Belgrade, respectfully July 1971 in Rio de Janeiro with the special review of the match held in Rio in 1971 that was at the same time farewell of Brazilian football player Pele from playing for the representation of his country.

This exhibition is organized using material stored in the fonds of the Archives of Yugoslavia – Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (AJ-334), Royal court (AJ-74), Cabinet of the President of the Republic (AJ-837),  Presidium of the National Assembly of the FPRY (AJ-15),  Presidency of the SFRY (AJ-803), Secretariat-general of the FRY Presidency (AJ-805), President of Serbia and Montenegro – Cabinet (AJ-806) и Tanjug photo material (AJ-112); Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia – Political Archives; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia – Collection of International Agreements; Historical Archives of Belgrade – Legacy of Koča Popović (1163); Embassy of the Federal Republic of Brazil in Belgrade; Museum of Yugoslavia.

Opening of the exhibition

National Holiday of the Federal Republic of Brazil (Republic Day) is marked by the reception in the Archives of Yugoslavia and exhibition of documents Belgrade – Brasilia, 80 Years of Diplomatic Relations opened on November 15, 2019. Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia Dr. Milan Terzić addressed the audience, first saying that this exhibition and its opening mark important date in the history of Brazil and that exhibited documents collected in the catalogue being accompanying part of the exhibition will remain as evidence of good bilateral and friendly relations of two countries. Exhibition layout starts with establishment of diplomatic relations between two world wars with photographs of accredited diplomatic representatives their credentials, shorthand transcripts, diplomatic reports and other documents that are preserved in the Archives of Yugoslavia. Intensity of cooperation is best presented by the visits and meetings of the highest political representatives of two states and its profoundness by agreements and contracts in all fields of social relations such as trade, culture, education, defense, maritime affairs, exhibitions.


By congratulations on National Holiday of Brazil, Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia ended his speech, and H.E. Eduardo Botelho Barbosa, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Brazil to the Republic of Serbia addressed the audience highlighted that the reason for gathering is not only the celebration of the Day when 130 years ago Brazil became the Republic but also marking of 80 successful years of diplomatic relations between two countries. Mr. Ambassador thanked the Archives of Yugoslavia for friendly cooperation, preparation and organization of the exhibition as well as for the published catalogue on diplomatic relations based on the impressive collection of documents preserved in this archives and pointed out that two countries in spite of all the events that they went through in the past 80 years managed to maintain good relations and cooperation.


Taking a look at the present situation, he mentioned that Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić presenting the Serbian government went to Brazil on January 1, for inauguration of the President Bolsonaro and that he had important meetings with representatives of Brazilian government; the fifth political consultations held in July confirmed once more that our relations are at the high level; that 141st, Assembly of Inter - Parliamentary Union was extraordinary and successful meeting and that connection between Brasilia and Belgrade soon should become more fruit-bearing by signing more agreements. Besides cooperation on the governmental level, Brazilian side is proud of warmly accepted cultural events – "Brazilian Days" in Novi Sad, presence of Brazil at the famous "Guitar Art Festival", popularization of Brazilian classic music, popularization and presence of classes of capoeira in this region.


Regarding trade relations, Brazil is second- largest Serbian foreign trade partner compared to both Americas and enlargement of bilateral trade and investments is permanent aim of Brazilian Embassy in Serbia.


Greeting the audience once more Mr. Ambassador invited the present to see the exhibition..


The author of the exhibition and the catalogue in Serbian and English accompanying the exhibition is Dragan Teodosić.


The exhibition will be open to the public every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. untill December 5, 2019.

Date of last change: 24. 03. 2022

2025. The Archives of Yugoslavia

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